Give your Energy-efficient Mum a great Mother’s Day

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Flowers and chocolates are great but to really treat your mum and show her that you not only appreciate her but that you’ve been listening to her and you GET her. Here are 5 things you can do that will guarantee a smile on her face.

1) Close that fridge door

Can’t seem to find the right snack for those cravings? Instead of heading to the fridge and opening it and walking away with the fridge open, show your mum how much you love her by shutting that fridge door and better still gather all your food cravings into spurts so you can open the fridge door once instead of 5-6 times in the last minute to see if any contents have changed.

2) Cook her a slow cook meal

Surprise mum and cook her a nice slow cook meal so she can take a day off from cooking. You can supercharge her happiness by making a gourmet ragu in the slow cooker, maximising the slow cooker at off-peak times. Not only will you make her an amazingly tender dinner you are also showing her how smart you are by effectively scheduling the energy usage.

3) Turn off the lights when you leave the room or the house

Heard this a few times? You know you’ll make her day if you turn off your lights, heater and music when you leave your room. She won’t have to follow behind you or check every room and appliance when she leaves the house.

4) Gather ALL your laundry

Have you noticed mum always doing the laundry? Save mum time by gathering ALL your laundry at once. Look under your bed, on your floor, toilet and anywhere else you might have kicked your laundry. Pick up your siblings’ laundry too while you are there.  Think about what you need in the week and make sure that the footy jersey you need tomorrow is in the wash today.

5) Run the Dishwasher

You do know that dirty dishes go in the dishwasher. Show mum how clever you are at stacking them well in the dishwasher. To really surprise her, set the timer to run at off-peak times.

Every day can be Mother’s Day.

Off course, you don’t have to wait for a special day to treat mum. Every day is a great day to show her that you appreciate her. Mums are pretty easy to please and many things she will appreciate aren’t hard to do and don’t cost a lot.


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